Sunday, August 24, 2008

Just Horsin' Around

Landon went horsebackriding twice this weekend. He loves Firecracker and kept saying her name over and over. She is so gentle! Landon is not afraid of anything!
Landon and mommy on Firecracker.
Grandpa and Landon.
Grandpa leading Landon and Firecracker around the yard.
We went for a ride out in the field and the next thing I knew, Landon was falling forward fast asleep so we had to come back in! We couldn't resist getting a picture of this. Firecracker rocked him to sleep.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day At The Fair!

We went to the Williamson County fair last weekend and Landon had a big time on this little ride. The car he was in was a fire truck, which he likes (notice he has a fire truck on his t-shirt too).

Destin 2008

Landon poses out on the condo deck.
Scott made Landon a little pool in the sand. He wasn't too sure about the sand again this year but he got used to it pretty fast. He liked the pool much better though.
Landon did enjoy the waves.
Takin' a walk after dinner.
Landon really liked feeding the ducks by the pond. We did that several nights after dinner.

Relaxin' before bedtime.