Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Mommy's Boy!

Just hangin' out with mommy.

Standin' On My Own Two Feet!

I'm a big boy now!
I'll be walkin' before ya know it!

Play Time!

Watchin' TV on a Saturday.
Jumpin' in my jumperoo!
Playing peek-a-boo!
Laughin' with Daddy!
Givin' hugs!...how sweet.

Let The Cereal Begin!

Landon eats his first bites of rice cereal. I think he likes it!
He also shows off his first little boo boo (on his nose). This is what happens when his nails get a little too long! Oops!

Landon Visits The Doc - 4 Months Old!

Daddy plays with Landon before Dr. Lee comes in.
All smiles before the shots begin!
Dr. Lee checks out his heartbeat.