Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Landon Reads His First Sentence By Himself!

Scott was reading to Landon last night and all of the sudden he picked out “go”, “and”, and “for” … saying them on his own (they had worked on them at school). We’ve worked separately on “dog”, “cat”, “pig”, “moon” etc. So Scott wrote down “The cat and dog and fox go to the moon” and asked him if he could read it. He did! Proud moment to see him put together a sentence on his own. Yay!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aubrey's Surgery

Aubrey had ear tubes put in on Friday, 7/30. She has been sleeping through the night ever since! Yay!
We did this with Landon so we had to do the same with Aubrey! Big girl! She did great!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pigeon Forge, June 2010

We went to Pigeon Forge June 17-20 for Nana & Papa C's 40th wedding anniversary. We stayed in a really nice cabin and had a great time!
At the race track! Aubrey had fun watching from the sidelines!

Daddy & Aubrey
Landon loved riding this train!

Mommy & Landon had fun on the go-carts!

Landon loves pushing Aubrey around in her stroller.

Landon & Aubrey in the cabin.

Scott, Papa C, & Landon watching the go-carts.

Nana & Aubrey at breakfast.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Landon's Funny Quotes & Favorite Things

Scott put together a list of all of Landon's funny quotes and his favorite things and I wanted to post it to our blog. It's funny how quickly you can forget these things so I'm glad he compiled them.

April/May 2009

Funny phrases:

• "You crazy daddy"

• "I'm grassy (instead of 'gassy')

• "I want some Pix" (can't say "Kix" for some reason). I tried to teach him to say "Kix" by saying "Ka, Ka, Kix" with the emphasis on the K. So now he says, "Ka, Ka, Pix".

• "I want (sounds like "watermelon" but is actually "marshmallow")

• "I wanna hold you"

• Landon, do you want to ___________? "No, not right now. Maybe later."

Favorite movie:

• Mickey Mouse has bypassed "Happy Feet" (penguins)

Favorite books:

• "Ten Apples Up on Top" and "Cat in the Hat" have bypassed EASY STREET and Llama Llama Red Pajama

Cool words:

• "con-trail" … this started a month or so back but he loves pointing them out

• Can spell "L-A-N-D-O-N"

Favorite Songs:

• Fortunately, Kermit (Rainbow Connection) is not tops on the list anymore.

• We're still working on "Take me out to the ballgame" but it's getting better. We can rattle off and yell the ABC's. He knows "Jesus Loves Me", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star", "baa baa blacksheep", Old McDonald Had a Farm,

Favorite Toys:

• Any tractor

• Big Wheel

• Mickey Mouse doll has surplanted "Puppy"

• Matchbox cars (notably his "red bus" and "green car")

Bedtime - Landon loves to pick out his own book to read and then one to take to bed. He picked out the Bible one night to take to bed and started singing "Jesus Loves Me this I know for the bible tells me so……"

June 2009

• Landon started wearing underwear full time. We had told him he had to do this before he could go into Ms. Charity's class (the next class). One day I said, "you're such a big boy now with underwear". He grinned from ear to ear, clapped his hands and said, "I get go to Ms. Charity's class!". He was so excited.

• Not a day passed where we didn't get home and he wanted to play with his "stick" (the shaft of an old golf driver).

• "That will be fun!"

Songs - Baby Bumblebee

July 2009

• "No daddy. Girls wear panties. Boys wear underwear."

• "Get over it daddy"

• "I already told you mommy".

• "Are you happy with me?"

Songs - Little Bunny Foo Foo

Movies - Landon loves to watch "Fox and the Hound" every morning

August 2009

• Landon… when is your birthday? "Octember 28"

• One morning while Kim was getting ready, he peeked in the bathroom and stared at her for a second and then said, "Mommy, you look pretty".

• Every single day we have carried cars (Lightening McQueen and The King) around at home, to Bill/Kaye’s, and school even though he had to put them in his box. When we pick him up, he runs straight to his box "to get my car". One night he got in trouble and we told him he could not have his cars. As I was walking to his room to go get him ready for bed several hours later, Landon stopped in the kitchen, looked at me, put his arms and hands out and said so seriously, "but daddy, I can't go to bed without my cars". It was too cute to deny him that. He got the cars.

• He can count to 20 but always skips "15"

• We have started realizing that Landon is repeating phrases we use with him quite often. For example, he will randomly say, "Come on dude!".

Songs - 'Old McDonald' and 'Wheels on the Bus' daily. The best part is he just starts singing them on his own out of nowhere.

September 2009

We realized in August that Landon could count his numbers but didn't recognize them if we asked him what a specific number was. So we told him when he learned his numbers (up to 10), he could get a Mater car. Every time we practice them he says, "We can't get a treat until we learn our numbers." But then once we're done reviewing them he says, "Now we can get a Mater car!".

"Did you say please daddy?" "Did you say thank you mommy?"

Ka-chow! (from Lightning McQueen)

Daddy transitioned into plain ole "Dad" (but back to "Daddy" again later)

"Watch me dad and mom!" and then would jump up and fall to the floor.

Can count to 10 in Spanish! Wow.

November 2009

We welcomed baby sister, Aubrey into the family. Landon loved her right away & was never jealous of her. He hugged and kissed her constantly. It was so sweet! She gave him a present at the hospital (a yellow semi truck and car from the Cars movie). It was a hit! Whenever he plays with them he says, "this is the car baby sister gave me!"

April 2010

Major fan of Spiderman and Toy Story I & II (loves Buzz Lightyear…”to infinity & beyond!”)

Started riding Bryson's bike (Training wheels on the back) and "Look at me daddy, I can go fast!" and "No… I'm the leader!"

"Yeah, he/she's my best fraind" (friend is really southern and drawn out… "fre-end"

"Strawberries" is pronounced "stawberbies"


“Night’s Gonna Be” (Black Eyed Peas – it’s actually called “I Gotta Feelin” but Landon says, “I want to hear “Night’s Gonna Be” mommy!” because the lyrics say, “I gotta feelin’ that tonight’s gonna be a good night” and he wants to hear it every time we get in the car).

“Landon’s going to school today and how are you? Two thumbs up!”

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Ear Infection!

Poor Aubrey has a double ear infection! We had hoped she wouldn't follow in her brother's footsteps but here we are. She is taking Amoxicillin for the next 10 days so hopefully that will clear it up and tubes are not in her near future. She was finally back to her old self this morning after days of screaming and restlessness. We're all tired at the Carter house but glad our baby girl is on the up 'n up (hopefully).

Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Landon at the dentist

Landon at the dentist last week. They have lots of fun things to ride on!
This horse is always a hit!
Landon getting his teeth cleaned. Thank goodness there is a TV in the ceiling!
Of course, he didn't let go of his Lightning McQueen car for a second!

4 Months Old!

Aubrey is 4 months old today! She loves to smile and for you to talk to her.
Here is one of her big smiles!
I got the exersaucer down from the attic today. She's still a little bit too small for it but she definitely liked it!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Aubrey's 2-month Checkup!

Aubrey's check-up was on Thursday and she now weighs 11 lbs., 11 oz. and is 23 inches long! She received her first round of shots and didn't like it one bit! I can't say I blame her. Dr. Lohse said she's doing great and is in the 60th percentile for weight and 65th percentile for height. I wasn't able to get any pictures of her as our camera died but hopefully we'll get a new one soon!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Aubrey - 2 months old!

Aubrey is now big enough to sit in the bumbo seat!

She loves her changing pad just like Landon did. She just lays there and smiles!

Christmas 2009

Landon and Aubrey's picture for our Christmas card.
Landon - 3 years and 3 months old!
Aubrey - 3 weeks old.
Landon and Bryson at the Opryland Charlie Brown Ice display.
On the ride home from Charlie Brown Ice. Look at those rosy cheeks!
Landon right after we saw Santa at the mall.
Sitting on Santa's lap at daycare.

Landon and his buddy Noah at Landon's school Christmas program. They sang "Rudolph".
Landon gave Daddy a Santa hat he made for him. Mommy got a Christmas apron.
Landon playing
Mikalee's Hanna Montana guitar.
Mikalee and Aubrey.
Landon on guitar; Daniel on the mic!
Just a jammin'!
Christmas morning!
Landon showing off his new Buzz Lightyear action figure.
A message from Santa on Landon's new art easel.
Landon playing with his dinosaurs and new cars.
Landon loves the goggles he got with his new Home Depot weed wacker.
Our favorite present this year!
Landon gives baby sister a kiss! So sweet!
Merry Christmas everyone!